As defined by Newadvent -
War, in its juridical sense, is a contention carried on by force of arms between sovereign states, or communities having in this regard the right of states. The term is often used for civil strife, sedition, rebellion properly so called, or even for the undertaking of a State to put down by force organized bodies of outlaws, and in fact there is no other proper word for the struggle as such; but as these are not juridically in the same class with contentions of force between sovereign states, the jurist may not so use the term. (Paragraph #1)
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Types of War:
1. As defined by Ezinearticles "Hegemonic War is a war over control of the entire world order - the rules of the international system as a whole, including the role of world hegemony. This class of wars is also known as global war, world war, general war or systemic war. The last hegemonic war was World War II." (Paragraph #3)
2. As defined by Ezinearticles "Total War is warfare by one state waged to conquer and occupy another. The goal is to reach the capital city and force the surrender of the government, which can then be replaced with one of the victor's choosing. In total war, the entire society mobilized for the struggle, the entire society of the enemy is considered a legitimate target." (Paragraph #4)
3. As defined by Ezinearticles "Limited War includes military actions carried out to gain some objective short of the surrender and occupation of the enemy. For instance, the U.S led war against Iraq in 1991 retook the territory of Kuwait but did not go on to Baghdad to topple Saddam Hussain's government. Many border wars have this character; after occupying the land it wants,a state may stop short and defend its gains." (Paragraph #5)
4. As defined by Ezinearticles "Civil War refers to war between factions within a state trying to create, or prevent, a new government for the entire state or some territorial part of it. The U.S Civil War of the 1860's is a good example of a secessionist civil war." (Paragraph #6)
5. As defined by Ezinearticles "Guerrilla War which includes certain kinds of civil wars is a warfare without front lines. Irregular forces operate in the midst of and often hidden or protected by, civilian populations. The purpose is not to directly confront an enemy army but rather to harass and punish it so as to gradually limit its operation and effectively liberate territory from its control." (Paragraph #7)
(1912). War. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Retrieved February 10, 2011 from New Advent:
Eckbaull, Z. (2009, April 28). Type of war. Retrieved from